How many residents are there at one time?
The residency can host up to 4-5 residents at a time, there are options for communal or private rooms depending on need. Larger groups can be accommodated for short programs or within one of our partner residencies. Regular Spring and Fall residents will have no more than 4 people at any given time in the residence together.
Can I bring my animals?
The house currently houses one cat. Unfortunately we cannot allow any other animals in the home during residency.
How much does it cost?
The residency uses a low to no-cost model that prioritizes mutual and exchange and non-transactional support systems. We offer multiple ways to engage in the space and to determine a mutually supportive exchange for each resident. Basic needs are met by the residency including, housing, food, and studio space. Additional needs such as transportation, full meals, materials and personal needs are met by the residents. Donations are gladly accepted and those that can offer cash or would prefer to pay for their time can do so.